Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hey guys

DC FnB really needs new volunteers. We are working hard to make sure that we have hot food every Sunday for people but it's hard work. If anyone knows where we could go to get food donations, if anyone would like to come help cook, if any one has good outreach and advertisement suggestions please comment or call 941 504-6569. Just as a reminder we cook from 1:30 to 3:30 in Petworth and serve from 4:00 to 5:30 in Dupont Park. We could really use helping hands. Thanks guys!

Peace DC FnB

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Why is the Food Free?

You know what really blows my mind? How many people recently have asked us why the food is free. I ask people "Would you like some food?" and they say "Sure... how much?" then when I tell them it's free and that they should help themselves I get scared and confused faces and an inevitable "Why....?" As though perhaps I had put something in the food. It makes me sad that we've become so suspicious of kindness as a society. People feel such a strong need to question free food because absolutely everything has a catch. Why can't we just be kind for the sake of community building and peace.
So I guess I should explain. The food is free because we are trying to build community and put some of society's focus on peace instead of hate and violence. We're promoting equality and trying to cut back on food waste. We just want to take food that would otherwise be wasted and serve it to people who need it and who will enjoy it with us.
Anyways I guess I just want to say, don't be suspicious of our intention. We're a group of people reaching out to other people. We're not selling anything, we just care. Feel welcome to join us and enjoy yourselves. We're cutting back on food waste not selling anything.


Food not Bombs DC

Beautiful Day at Food Not Bombs!

Today was a gorgeous day! We served so much food! The menu was a pear and apple pie, pumpkin tart, bagels, bananas a pepper and rice noodle stir fry with teriyaki sauce, and a squash and cauliflower soup.
We definitely need more volunteers though. I am having difficulty thinking of the best ways to reach out to the community and get people involved. Today we had four people cooking, three people serving, and one person cleaning. Having such small membership is great for building relationships but can definitely be a little rough. If you're ever interested in volunteering please give us a holler. We would love to have some fresh faces!

Here are some pics of the serving today. Sorry they're not fabulous, I took them on my cell.